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How do I???? / Lock desktop Icons in place
« Last post by Lee Miles on January 30, 2024, 11:32:23 am »
Good afternoon,

Every time I use your Rebelle 7 layout it moves all of my desktop icons out of position when I close the layout.
How do I stop this from happening when I close tablet pro?

General Discussion / Rebelle layout for F6 failure
« Last post by Lee Miles on January 20, 2024, 01:42:20 pm »
Good afternoon,

I am using the Rebelle layout in Rebelle 7 on a Wacom MSP 16 and the color button(F6) will not show the color wheel.
I have tried creating new buttons for F6 but it still does not work.
Any idea how to fix this problem?

General Discussion / Tablet pro working only with stylus?
« Last post by Ersen Turgut on October 06, 2023, 08:11:41 am »
I saw tablet pro today. Great software. But I have no stylus. I am using viewsonic woodpad tablet. Is that possible to use tablet pro with my woodpad?

General Discussion / капли для похудения
« Last post by MrunitemBus on August 19, 2022, 10:36:20 am »
 уан ту слим
Bugs / docked Artist Pad too easy to move
« Last post by krisjohn on May 17, 2022, 06:54:37 pm »
I wouldn't have thought the docked Artist Pad should be movable, but any part of it that's not a button can be used to drag it around. Is there any way to stop this?
Feature Requests / [suggestion] F13-F24
« Last post by krisjohn on May 14, 2022, 06:28:56 am »
I just bought the app today, and it's what I've been looking for since I got my Wacom tablet. Any chance it could support function keys F13 to F24? Thanks.
General Discussion / Re: Zbrush goes over the tablet pro?
« Last post by StefanLeutwyler on May 07, 2022, 08:01:29 am »
I'm sure many will have this question!

Zbrush by default is in Fullscreen mode which makes all the other apps including the taskbar unvisible.
You have to click the smal button with the window symbols (in top right corner "restore" to exit fullscreen mode. Then just set your size of the window and save in the preference/config.

Feature Requests / Pen mode simulation using touchscreen
« Last post by Delphir on April 24, 2022, 12:13:53 pm »
It would be great to have an option to simulate "pen mode" (when touchscreen acts as a mouse on the computer without pen support).
It looks like right now all the needed components already present in the TouchMousePointer, they just needs to be assembled together into a single flow:

1. Full screen mode
2. Relative mode
3. Left mouse click simulation (right now requires a second click on the touchscreen)
4. Touch movements "as mouse dragging"

so the idea is to automate "3. Left mouse click simulation" whenever the TOUCH_START event happens, and "release" the left mouse button whenever the TOUCH_END event happens.
If there were a TOUCH_MOVE events in between - this will result in something like if "mouse clicked on an object, object was dragged to the new position, mouse released".

Real usecase: Drawing with a stylus (on a touchscreen) in Slack app during calls (while sharing a screen).
Unfortunately Slack don't support touchscreens by default and their support says they don't have any plans for such support (who are these guys? :O ).
Bugs / Re: ARTIST PAD Display Buttons Inconsistent with Editor
« Last post by julianjc84 on February 18, 2022, 01:09:50 am »

settings:layoutdetails > BUTTON margin PX tick and set to 0 px

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Bugs / ARTIST PAD Display Buttons Inconsistent with Editor
« Last post by julianjc84 on February 17, 2022, 11:01:57 pm »
Have not used this app in ages. Seems the TabletProManager Editor Differs in view to the runtime version.
specifically the draw size of the buttons.
after long discovery. I have found the solution.
Settings : Settings : Layout Details > Button Margin PX (0)
This will cause the Layout Editor to show the inside button smaller, Howerver the button will be the size of the Bounding box with round edges.

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